Rabu, 12 Agustus 2009

Organize For Your Success!!!

Several weeks ago, I red a little book but it has the great advantages for the readers. Especially for me, I got many lessons from it. The book is ” The seven Habits of highly effective teens: the miniature edition”. I lend it from Ms. Evianty, my speaking lecture. She bought it from abroad, as we know that she always do traveling abroad and buying many books there, one of them is the seven habits book. In the fact, She lend it to her students (bergantian ). I was lucky because I got chance to read it. I red many tips there and I wanna share you the interesting chapter. I was very interested it and I tried to implement it in my life. I got many benefit and my life is better because it. This is my interesting chapter, read carefully and you have to try in your life!
Plan Weekly
Take fifteen minutes each week to plan your week and just watch what a difference it can make. Why weekly ? Because we think in weeks and because daily planning is too narrow a focus and monthly planning is too broad a focus. Once you have a planner of some short.
I will give you an example :
Planning on Beautiful Holiday
1. Read the great book about Imam Khomeini
2. Write an article about Imam Khomeini
3. Clean my room
4. Go to Puncak with my best friend
That is my planning of the week , I have to make a deadline in every program. For example :
Read The great book about Imam Khomeini ( August 8th 2009 ), my deadline is August 8th , so I have to manage my time to finish that book until deadline.
You have to build your motivation to follow your programs, you must think the benefits if you do the programs. For example, If I read the book about Imam Khomeini , I will get a new knowledge about him. I will be happy because I know him much more through that book. He is my idol so I have to read it. That are some example of motivation. You have to find your motivation by yourself an you will get many benefit. Trust me!!

2 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

waaah... bahasa inggrisnya bagus juga.. jd bingung mau comment apa :D

mau brubah ah.. biar waktu ga terbuang.. mumpuung liburan..

the other side of me mengatakan...

makasih..tp kyknya jauh dr kt bagus deh...
SEMANGAT.....untuk hidup lbh teratur....

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